Saturday, December 29, 2012


The new Dr. Who companion looks like how I imagined our daughter would look like in this picture. It weirded me out the other day.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Just a note...

Sneezed into my eggnog... drank it anyway. Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Jedi Powers

I often wish I had Jedi powers just to make work easier. I could face the shelfs with the force and use the Jedi mind trick to get my crew to work harder. Wouldn't that be nice :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Nerd vs. Geek...

There is always discussion among our friends about the use of the word "nerd" versus "geek." For some people, they are the same (?!). For others they are completely separate entities. We use the word nerd here just because geek is so broad now-a-days (blame hipsters) and nerd is the term we've been called the most.

We're both introverts (I am a ISFJ, Will an ISFP), but I struggle with social awkwardness more than Will does. He probably qualifies as a "geek" more than I do (even though he beats me at Scene-it Harry Potter every time).

I don't think of being a nerd as a bad thing. It's an appropriate label, but I don't accept all the negative connotations. I for one, don't wear glasses, or suspenders, but have always dressed "different." Yes, I was a virgin until I got married (nor did I date in high school or go to prom) and I can quote LOTR like mad, but I prefer biology over chemistry talk any day. Yes, I pursued academics instead of social engagements, and I am fully aware that my degrees did not improve my social skills, but I'd still like to learn how to socialize. Yes, I own my own Renaissance Fair costume, but I also own my own, custom made Catwoman costume (based on the comics, not movies). I'm lucky if I can get through a single conversation without anxiety or inadvertently offending someone, but I still like visiting with people (especially if there is tea and the conversation centers around fictional characters or Destination Truth, either one). High school was hell, but I can now look back on the times I had with my close and only friends with fondness. Everyone's journey is different.

There are many levels of "nerd" and "geek." Everyone is a combination of both terms in some way, shape, or form. In the end we all decide to accept one label or another. I don't mind this one.

Here are a few infographics that deal with Nerds versus Geeks...

It's the end of the world as we know it but Pawnee feels fine...